



アメリカ英語の省エネ発音(リエゾンやリダクション)を体系的に学べる教材です。「Want to ⇒ ワナ、going to ⇒ ガナ」というところから、「Does he⇒ツイー、Did she⇒dチー」と発音されるなどなど。




しかしこれまで学習できなかったことが身についてきている感覚があります。例えばこれまでリスニング学習中に「Does he⇒ツイー」という発音が出てきても、これが偶然そのように発音したのか、このように発音されることが多くあるのか自分では判断するのが難しいので、音の変化を体系的にまとめてあるこの教材は非常に有効だと感じています。



posted by 管理人(engtext777@gmail.com ) at 09:34 | Comment(0) | また英語学習始めました編 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


面白い番組『BBC - Would I Lie to You?』

英語学習のために役立つものはないかなとネットで探っていたら、YouTubeで『Would I Lie to You?』というBBCの番組を知った。英国のテレビ番組で、3人ずつ2チームに分かれて、それぞれの出演者の話が本当か、嘘かを当てるクイズ番組。




[Rob]Uh, David.

[David]I like pens.

[Lee]I know this! It's true.

[David]I like pens. And I... And I like to know where my pens are. For this reason, I have a three point pen policy.

[Lee]What's your three point pen policy?

[David]Er, well, point one, I find it important to know where my pens are at any time. Um, for example...

[Lee]That...that covers all three, doesn't it?

[David]No, no, no, no. Point two.


[David]Is to, um, is to be hyper-aware of any pen that I've lent out. And point three is to take any opportunity within the bounds of a reasonable interpretation of the law, to purloin or otherwise obtain pens.

[Miles]Name three people who have currently got pens of yours that you want back?

[David]There are no people who have pens of mine. A key part of point two is to get a pen back as soon as possible. When people say, "Oh, can I borrow you pen?", what I want to say is "Absolutely NOT, get your own pen, this is mine!" However, as part of a scheme I'm working on to try and seem, normal would be an exaggeration, but, you know, at least acceptable in broader society, I try not to say that, I try and seem casual about it, "Oh, yeah, borrow my pen, that's fine," and then I'm thinking about it constantly until it is returned.

[Lee]The pen that you've got with you, sorry, is that your own pen, or is that a BBC pen?

[David]This is now my pen.

[Lee]Pass me the pen.

[David]I'd rather not.

[Lee]But you have to! You have to pass me it. I will give it you back... I will promise to give you the pen back within five minutes.

[David]All right.

[Lee]I'll... Let's meet halfway. It'll be the first time we've made physical contact in five years. Right, put the pen on the floor and step away. Step away from the pen.

[David]You're going to destroy the pen, aren't you?

[Lee]I'm not going to destroy the pen, you've got such a cynical mind.

[David]He's going to destroy it.

[Lee]I'm not going to destroy the pen, that would be infantile. So this is a pen you got from the BBC today?


[Lee]If I take this pen and say I'm keeping this pen, what will you do to get the pen back off me?

[David]I will not fight you.

[Rob]So what are you thinking, Lee?

[Lee]It didn't seem much of a system, did it? You ask me to have the pen back, I'm going to say no and he's going to leave it at that.

[Richard]I'm so sorry.

[Lee]It is fair to say we have created drama.

[Rob]You had explicitly reassured him, in front of witnesses, that you would not break the pen.

[David]I didn't believe him.

[Lee]That is correct, that is true.

[David]I didn't believe him. I knew he'd break the pen. That pen, I'm afraid to say, and I hope this doesn't make me sound heartless, when I put that pen down there, it was dead to me.

[Rob]Right, Lee, which way are you going? Is he telling the truth or a lie?

[Miles]I bet you love pens, I bet you're pretty crazy about pens but you do not have a three point system.

[Kate]I think he might.

[Rob]OK, Lee, take a guess, truth or lie?

[Lee]We'll say it's a lie.

[Rob]You say it's a lie. David Mitchell - the truth or a lie?

[David]It is in fact...true.

[Rob]Yes, it's true, David does have a three point pen policy, so he knows where they are. Oh, that noise...



posted by 管理人(engtext777@gmail.com ) at 09:27 | Comment(0) | また英語学習始めました編 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする





何度聞いても理解できない 。ネット上にあったスクリプトを参考に書き出すと、以下のような感じかな。むずかしい・・・。ぐぬぬぬ

"Gary, who do you think was the best signing made by Premier League's teams so far the transfer window and why?"

“I missed the first weekend, but I, watching the highlights of all the games this weekend it was Okazaki – he really caught my eye for Leicester. Leicester caught my eye as well into the way they played. But this is in the first game of the season. Talk about infectious, talk about getting the fans on side; chasing lost causes, you normally think of No.10-type players as being players that might not want to do this. That's brilliant, so he’s basically willing to do the ugly side of the game: chasing, closing down, perfect for what Leicester want and Vardy's front move really cause a new sense to center and midfielder players this season, gets on the half turn, bright in everything he does. I think from a No.10s point of view, what do you want? You want them to work hard; you want them to defend; you want them to run beyond and be centre forward at times; you want them to get on the half-turn; you want them to create chances; you want them to score goals. And in the first two weeks of the season he’s done all those things.”


"Then he's been a really impressive stuff. This is the goal, again goal’s behind and meantime seen No.10s not then beating dash just enough of having a desire to get in the box where it matters, and not start to follow in and again we get too carried away with only a couple of weeks here. And Here, he was on the last line of defense, flicking on, almost be like a second striker.


"So most of the things you'd want from the good No.10s and we've seen from him in this first period of the season. This is the goal, second goal and I'm really impressed with him this weekend, he caught my eye and a really good stuff for Leicester"


今年、『究極のイギリス英語リスニング Standard』で学習して、少しイギリス英語が好きになってきたので、この機会にもう少し学習しようと思い、『イギリス英語を聞く THE BLUE BOOK』を購入、とりあえず2日間集中して聞いてみた。

すごく良い感じ。すでに持っている『LIVE from LONDON 』よりも面白く感じる。やっぱり生英語を聞かないとダメだな。聞き取れない原因は分かっていて明らかに学習量が足りないだけなんだよな。結局は量なんだよ。学習量。でもあまりやる気がなく、深入りもしたくない・・・


イギリス英語初心者には、『究極のイギリス英語リスニング Standard』の次に、『イギリス英語を聞く THE BLUE BOOK』を使用して学習することはなかなか良いのではないかと思いました。


posted by 管理人(engtext777@gmail.com ) at 15:11 | Comment(0) | また英語学習始めました編 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする